Monday, December 28, 2009

I feel breaking the rules today!

The sign says "Bawal Mangihe", meaning No Urinating.
Model Lloyd Rempis, after shopping gladly do a urinating pose.
As if breaking the sign.
We had a laugh.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Supporting Light For Life by Edwin Loyola

I am supporting this selfless endeavor of Edwin Loyola. For the benefit of Children with Cancer. Visit the site.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Makes Me Full

Taken in Magellan's Cross, Cebu City.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Taken in Magellan's Cross, Cebu City.

Silip, or Peaking...

He was shy to pose on his own.
He thought he was posing with his sister.
I was focusing on him.
I had never seen the Koren Pose so amazing as his interpretation.

Would you like to be ANONYMOUS for a day???

Taken in Dynasty Hotel Inn, Cebu City.
Title: Apple and Anonymity
Model: Benedict M. (His Idea, kinda cool!)
Props: Thanks to Irene T. for the MacBook Pro